Wilderness Wisdom: Life-Lessons from a Survival Weekend

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to lose sight of our primal instincts and the fundamental skills that once defined our existence. A survival weekend, where you are tasked with creating your own shelter, building a fire, and enduring hunger, is more than just a physical challenge; it's a profound journey into the core of our abilities and the unveiling of life's essential lessons. This blog-post reflects on invaluable life-lessons garnered from a weekend survival course!

My husband and I dared to assume a new adventure at the start of the year - a winter survival weekend course in the beautiful - but icy - forest of Maur. Luckily, we were in safe hands, under the expert guidance of survival trainer Gion Saluz. Nevertheless, the experience was a far cry from our usual comfort-zone and the psychological insights gained there are certainly worth sharing. Here are a few of my reflections:

Embracing Discomfort: The Gateway to Growth!

Surviving a weekend without the comforts of home pushes us beyond our boundaries, forcing us to confront discomfort head-on. In the wild, discomfort is a constant companion, from the biting cold to the gnawing hunger. Yet, within this discomfort lies the gateway to personal growth. Namely, learning to embrace and navigate discomfort teaches us resilience, adaptability, and the art of finding strength in adversity. It’s amazing how much more resilient we are than what we think - we just need to give ourselves the chance to test our limits.

Resourcefulness: Navigating Life's Challenges

In the wilderness, resources are scarce, resourcefulness becomes a survival tool. Crafting a shelter from natural materials and kindling a fire from the elements teaches us resourcefulness. Translating this skill to everyday life, we can learn to navigate challenges with an open mindset, finding solutions where others might see roadblocks. Resourcefulness is a powerful asset in overcoming obstacles, both big and small.

Mindfulness and Presence: Nature's Therapeutic Touch

The survival weekend demands a heightened state of awareness – every rustle in the leaves, every gust of wind becomes significant. This heightened awareness is a form of mindfulness, a therapeutic touch offered by nature. Bringing this mindfulness into our daily lives allows us to savor the present moment, reduce stress, and appreciate the beauty in the simple things that often go unnoticed in the whirlwind of modern life.

Appreciating the Basics: Finding Joy in Simplicity

Deprived of the usual conveniences, we learn to appreciate the basics – a warm fire, a makeshift shelter, and a simple cup of coffee become sources of immense joy. This lesson urges us to reevaluate our daily lives, finding satisfaction and happiness in life's simple pleasures. It encourages a shift in perspective, away from the constant pursuit of materialistic desires towards a more fulfilling and content existence.

Life's Wilderness as a Classroom

A survival weekend is not just an adventure; it's an immersive classroom where life's fundamental lessons are laid bare. From embracing discomfort to honing resourcefulness and practicing mindfulness, the wilderness teaches us timeless skills that are applicable far beyond the confines of the forest. As we navigate the complexities of our modern lives, let us carry with us the wisdom gained from the wild – a reminder of our innate capabilities and the transformative power of embracing life's challenges head-on.

Curious to learn more? Don’t just take my word for it, book your own survival experience and discover your own life-lessons from the wilderness.

Emily Reeves